Friday, November 13, 2009

weekend bliss

Ok so Friday is here…YAY…and it’s the 13th….YAY COOL….I know some ppl think it’s a day for ill luck but I don’t! I rather enjoy it. But like always I’m not normal anyway. LOL! But I plan on spending time with my parents this weekend and some friends and pretty much just vegging out trying to be “less stressful” (If that’s at all possible). I also plan on doing some much needed spell work. Blessed Be.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I hate the news

I really, really hate the news! It just makes me sooo depressed and sad. Take for instence this couple who threw there baby in a dumpster on Monday! I mean WTF!!! I’m just speechless! And I feel so sad for that baby....sick, sick things (can’t even call them humans) I just hope for that poor baby’s sake that it was a stillborn! Laying in a toilet for god knows how long! My god what a world this is turning out to be! I hate to even turn on the news! It’s always something tragic and appalling. I just want to take my babies and my family and hide all alone on a deserted island away from all "mankind". I mean my goddess!! I sometimes think that the world should have a valve that can just flush all the containments out and start fresh all over again. (of course only the good ppl like myself, my family and my friends can stay behind... ya know like take a ship to anouther planet or something and hang out there untill Earth is rebuilt...) Yea thats what I want.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ok here we go and big o thanks!

I have some pretty amazing ppl in my life. My son and daughter, my parents, my hubby (sometimes) my friends, Tina, Wendy, Jen B, Jen S Cyrstal, Holly, Hope, Bill C, Alex, Jess, my step-daughter, my boss & co-workers. Im just happy that Im not alone and are bless to have em.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why oh Why!

Man if I had a dime for every damn time I asked myself this? WHY!!!??? Why do people act this way? Why do I put up with it with a damn smile on my face? Why!!!!! Oh and also how come????? lol